Meteorology OOW

What is the Jetstream and how does it affect us?

  1. High altitude fast moving band of air
  2. Boundary zone between polar and temperate air
  3. Allows for the formation of lows
  4. Lows move along jetstream
  5. Jetstream is 6mile high, 100km wide and 3 km deep.
  6. Moves with earth & temperature of sun

What is Advection fog. How is it formed?

  1. Warm moist air over cold sea.
  2. May form and persist even with strong winds.
  3. Common during spring and early summer
  4. Needs some turbulence to spread i.e. light winds.

What is the Met Office’s involvement with weather forecasting for seafarers?

  1. Issues forecast 4 x per day
  2. Gale forecasts, inshore waters, strong winds, high seas and storm warnings
  3. Can be distributed by VHF / MF/ HF, SAT-C, NAVTEX, fax, email, radio / tv

What are the features of an occluded front?

  1. Cold front has caught up with warm front
  2. Warm air mass now trapped
  3. High winds close to centre
  4. Large amounts of precipitation

What is Sea smoke and how is it formed?

  • Cold dry air moves over warm sea surface
  • Evaporates from surface of water
  • Air is unable to contain water vapour so immediately condenses.

How can the weather be observed on board?

  • Barometer
  • Thermometer (wet and dry bulb)
  • Radar -> Rain / precipitation
  • Wind speed and direction
  • Cloud recognition

What is the Jetstream?

  • High altitude fast moving band of air
  • Boundary zone between polar and temperate air
  • Allows for the formation of lows
  • Lows move along jetstream
  • Jetstream is 6mile high, 100km wide and 3 km deep.
  • Moves with earth & temperature of sun

What is Radiation fog and how is it formed?

  • Low land and clear nights
  • Long wave radiation
  • Cools below dewpoint
  • Sea temperature is warmer than land.
  • Easily dispersed.

Where can expected weather conditions be found?

  • Routing charts
  • Admiralty sailing directions
  • Ocean Passages for the world
  • Weather routing services
  • Mariners’ handbook.

How does the Jetstream affect the UK?

  • Drives low pressure towards UK.