Enclosed Spaces

What is an enclosed space?

Limited access

Inadequate ventilation

Not designed for continuous worker occupation

What is required to be practised or tested during an enclosed Space drill?

Test & verify procedures


Atmosphere monitoring devices

Rescue equipment

First aid

PPE for entry


Pre entry checks (BA Sets)

Rescue situations should be as realistic as possible. Always review safety flyers / flashes for recent incidents and try to incorporate those elements into your drills.

What rescue equipment is required for enclosed space entry

BA sets

Tripod & winch




EEBD (or similar) for casualties

How can an enclosed space become a dangerous space?

Enclosed space may contain toxic or flammable atmosphere or O2 deficiency

May endanger human life

Also includes unexpected loss of ventilation

Example, ships hold – enclosed on all sides but may be dangerous due to cargo residues

What is a dangerous space?

It is a space that may become dangerous

It may contain toxic or flammable gases

Or deficient in O2 where it endangers life

Also, unexpected reduction in ventilation

What is the company required to do regarding enclosed spaces?

Risk assess and identify areas which can be enclosed spaces

Make list of spaces

What are the procedures for entering an enclosed space?

Consult SMS

Review risk assessment

Generator permit to work

Space emptied of previous contents

Valves / power stopped

Ventilate space

Conduct atmosphere check

Place barriers at entrance

Rescue plan in place

Rescue equipment function tested and standby


Access methods

Open 2 man holes if possible

Establish tank watch man at entrance

-Briefed on duties

-Communication with personnel in tank and bridge

-Maintain record of crew in and out of tank

Personal gas meters worn


State different types of enclosed spaces

Cargo spaces

Double bottoms

Fuel tanks

Ballast tanks

Cargo pump-rooms

Cargo compressor rooms


Chain lockers

Void spaces

Duct keels

Inter-barrier spaces


Engine crankcases

Engine scavenge air receivers

Sewage tanks

What is the drill frequency for enclosed space rescue?

Every 2 months

What are the hazards associated within enclosed spaces?

Poor access

Poor lighting

02 deficient

Toxic atmospheres

Flammable atmosphere

Escape and rescue limitations

What are the precautions to take during entry of enclosed space?

Check PPE

Check communication methods

Check gas measurement instruments

Test rescue equipment

First aid measures

Identification of hazards

Pre entry checks

Assessment of tank entry and recovery methods

-Vary per tank

What are the requirements for personnel regarding enclosed space entry?

Personnel must be;


Able to identify hazards

Carry out contingency hazards

Aware of alarms

Monitor ventilation

Illumination levels

Identify previous cargo and hazards

Monitor atmospheric levels

Gas Detectors

Where does the requirements for Atmosphere measuring devices come from?

IMO 1050 


How does an explosimeter work / when testing for flammable gases?

Measures hydrocarbons below Lower Flammable Limit

Measures 1 – 100% of Lower flammable limit

Will not measure hydrocarbon in inert atmospheres, requires 02.

What are the basic measurements for atmosphere measuring devices?






How to measure hydrocarbons in inert atmosphere

Use tank scope

Useful during inert gas purging

Indicates when hydrocarbons fall below limits

The space can be declared gas free


What unit integrity checks are conducted?

Aside from bump test / fresh air calibration, the following are done

General condition

Suction hose and ball unit

Filter screen

Battery in good condition

Hoses and connections in good condition.